Why you should vote… SNP


The SNP is the largest political party in Scotland in terms of membership, with over 105,000 members, and they have had a majority in the Scottish parliament since 2010. This is a big deal as – let’s be honest – most of us before September last year didn’t even deem the SNP as relevant. But once the referendum was announced in September 2014, there has been nothing but glowing coverage of the SNP. It’s almost as if they were the opposition, only they’re not – Labour is. In actual fact, the SNP only have six MPs in Westminster, almost 1/47th of Labour’s beastly number of 256. So, why is it that a party with essentially no political strength at all have created the most talked-about topics for the upcoming election, and why should you vote for them?

First of all, if you live in England, Wales or Northern Ireland you can’t. However if you still support the party and cannot choose another (I don’t blame you) then Nicola Sturgeon urges you to tactually vote for the Green Party and in Wales, Plaid Cymru. If you live in Scotland, you lucky people, then you should vote SNP because the only other option realistically available is Labour. It may seem like a good option for those liberals among us, but the ugly truth is that the Tories and Labour are actually not so far apart in their beliefs and policies. Both parties are leaning towards the right and even authoritarian wing of the political spectrum, whereas in comparison, the SNP are much more left wing in comparison.

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Following the referendum on independence last year, the party had a huge turning point whereupon most British citizens realised that Scottish devolution was actually a burning issue for most of the citizens of Scotland. The results concluded to 55.3% at ‘No’ and 44.7% at ‘Yes’. Seven months have now passed and the only accomplishment of the coalition government is the establishment of the Smith Commission, which produced the government draft proposals for Scottish devolution that it published in January this year. They include some reference to a ‘timetable’ for Scotland’s new powers and looks at their potential impact. But can we really trust the government to put these proposals into place? Especially since the Scotland Act of 2012 has still, not yet been brought into force. This shows us that the Conservatives are not willing to help Scotland, so if you care for the future of Scotland then place your vote with SNP. In response to the Liberal Democrats – is it really worth acknowledging this so-called ‘party’? Since they hadn’t been in power for over 90 years you would have thought that Clegg would have used his ever-so effective (!) persuasive skills to have more of an impact. Unfortunately for them, it didn’t work out and now Clegg is seen as a puppet and Cameron inapropos.

By voting SNP, you are guaranteed the government you vote for, rather than bland Tory-led governments that constantly attack the hard-working and poor. This is proved, unlike other parties, by SNP taking a stand and putting the improvement of welfare on their to-do list: voting against bedroom tax, means-testing child benefits and a range of policies which those on low incomes. Lamentably, these policies have been imposed anyway.

Other aims for the party include setting up an oil fund similar to Norway, whose fund is worth more than £500 billion, which would greatly benefit future generations. An increase in pensions, protection of the NHS from privatisation, more jobs and of course, independence is guaranteed.

Hopefully by now, you realise how important your vote could be on 7th May and remember by choosing SNP, you choose a brighter future.

Words by Pavan Nagra


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