United Nations Launches Ozone Awareness Mobile Game


The United Nations has launched a new mobile game aimed at teaching teenagers about the importance of the ozone layer.

Called Reset Earth, the game is a single-player platformer which will be available on iOS and Android devices. Set in a dystopian world in 2084, human life is under threat from a virus known as “The Grow”. It will be up to players to find out not only how this virus started, but how it has been able to spread and take hold and how the loss of the ozone layer played a part in it.

The game combines retro graphics and hand-drawn artwork and allows players to learn about environmental history and the science behind protecting the planet. Players can unlock information about what caused “The Grow” and about the fundamental role the ozone plays in protecting the health and wellbeing of the planet.

Meg Seki, Acting Executive Secretary of the Ozone Secretariat, said, 

The protection of the ozone layer cannot be considered a done deal. It must be a continuous effort by us and by future generations. If our children learn about the grim consequences of a ruined ozone layer through a fantasy cartoon and game app, they will be aware of its importance and protect it.” 

The game is also part of a wider education initiative by the United Nations Ozone Secretariat, also titled ‘Reset Earth’, which launched on World Education Day in January with the release of the titular animated film. The storyline from the film is also intertwined with the Reset Earth game as one of the initiative’s aims is to create and cultivate a sense of responsibility among young people when it comes to environmental matters.

Reset Earth is available on iOS and Android now. For more information on the Reset Earth Initiative and to watch the Reset Earth animated film in full, please visit https://ozone.unep.org/reset-earth

Words by Megan Roxburgh

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