Track Review: The Fine Line Of A Quiet Life // FUR


While the Brighton group might easily be mistaken as a group of mods and rockers from the suede jackets and bootleg jeans, FUR is one of the biggest growing alt-indie bands in the UK. With a modern twist on rock and pop, their latest single ‘The Fine Line Of A Quiet Life’ highlights their talent to combine a steady upbeat bass with a fun and catchy set of lyrics. FUR’s previous releases could be described as mellow, however, their latest single highlights the extent of their range.  

While the sorrowful lyrics place a strong emphasis on self-reflection and understanding the milestone you are at in your life, the upbeat range in frontman Murray’s voice gives the song a cheerful edge. During the transition to the chorus, the change in pitch of Murray’s voice and guitar give the song potential to make it a summer anthem. 

Despite the uplifting tone, the lyrics reveal the true nature of the song. The second verse calls attention to the doubts that we often have in ourselves, “I see a glass half-full and you say you don’t.” This highlights the two ways that people reflect on their lives and the issue people create by surrounding themselves in negativity. The final verse, which contains the lines “Take care and don’t be fearful / There’s no undoing evil’ demonstrates that there is a ‘fine line’ between the decisions that you make and the consequences of your actions.  

‘The Fine Line Of A Quiet Life’ is an amazing addition to the ever-growing alt-indie genre. Putting a twist on a classic type of rock song, FUR has demonstrated creativity in both their lyrics and pitch.  

Words by Tom Travers

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