Track Review: Never Alone // Theo Bard


A mixture of acoustic reggae-pop, urban folk, and mystifying fairytale soft guitar rock, London-based Theo Bard‘s single ‘Never Alone’ is an introspective foray into dark wilds and enthralling verses. Bard’s one-man band celebrates lyrics that revolve around friendships and love, of nostalgia and sentimentality.

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The single, pulled from Bard’s forthcoming EP ‘You Give’, set for release in October, starts with harmonious, almost sinister sounding chants that give off a fiery warmth of eerie campfire sing-alongs. They’re accompanied with captivating storytelling lyrics and chiming guitars that loop and snakehole in and around the words, Bard’s deep voice reminiscent of warm fireplaces in abandoned wastelands, the song coming together into a dark crescendo that’ll chill listeners to the bone with repeated utters of, “I’m never alone, I’m never alone, I’m never alone…”

Theo Bard’s autumn EP release will coincide with a date at London’s Hoxton Bar & Kitchen on October 15th.

Words by Cady Siregar


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