Track Review: Love Internationale // The Clear


The Clear are a three-piece band from Sheffield. They specialise in recreating, in their words, “Classic West Coast pop”, however they also take an influence from film composers such as Lalo Schifrin, who composed the soundtracks for films including Mission Impossible and The Amityville Horror. This unique combination is evident in their new track, ‘Love Internationale’. The songs concept is based around an online dating agency that helps rebuild clients love lives by coming out in rockets.

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The track opens with a slow string section, which sounds as if it could be featured on a James Bond soundtrack. Then, in come some beautiful harmonies, working well with the atmospheric theme. The chorus of “Here at Love Internationale / Don’t call us, we’ll find you” is infectious and has a sassy feel about it. The bassline is captivating and captures the listeners’ attention as it dominates the track; the changing patterns make you wonder where the track is heading next.

As the track fades out, it allows the listener to take everything in. Bristling with confidence, it packs a strong melody and some beautiful instrumentation. On this evidence, it will be interesting to see what The Clear will come out with in the future.

Words by Ermis Madikopoulos


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