Track Review: Instant Gratification Baby! // Loredo


In anticipation of their EP Let Love Out set for release on April 13th, Loredo have provided ‘instant gratification baby!’ to a lot of indie lovers out there with their newest track, which would be perfectly at home on any road trip playlist. The five piece from North London’s previous EP Trawl was praised by Gigslutz for leaving ‘’you itching and craving for more.’’ More is something they have certainly delivered with this up-tempo tale of heartbreak, that appears to have taken inspiration from the likes of The National and Bombay Bicycle Club. Lead singer Stuart Bennett croons over the melodic anthem ‘what makes bad songs / is what makes bad lovers’ and so by Loredo’s own admission they must be pretty good in the bedroom because ‘Instant Gratification Baby!’ is nothing other than a tune.

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Having returned from their 2014 headlining tour, you can check out Loredo on Twitter or Facebook.

Words by Issy


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