Track Review: Destination // Fluir


Meet Australian indie pop singer-songwriter Fluir. Cloaked behind the moniker is Siobhan Krelle, who after a two-year hiatus from music has returned with her thought provoking debut single ‘Destination’. Working closely with friend Matt D’Arcy of Basin Records, the Melbourne-based performer has developed a distinct arrangement.

‘Destination’ has a unique, uplifting and eerie quality to it that can best be described as classy electronica. Its complexity of sound along with Fluir’s ethereal vocals entices you from the moment the first note is struck. With its enthralling lyrics and composition, the song manages to leave you in an almost dream-like state, each and every time you press play.

Fans will be happy to know they won’t be kept waiting too long for the next track, as Fluir is currently working on a new trance collaboration project. In the meantime, you can keep up to date with her on Facebook.

Words by Nizza Munoz – @neezahh


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