Track Review: Deep End // BINNY


Ethnic minority artists should not carry the weight of improving the music industry’s lack of diversity. Yet BINNY shows Asian American artists that there is light at the end of the tunnel. His latest endeavour ‘Deep End’, is an honest tale of dealing with emotions after living in shallow lust. 

BINNY’s name stems from the Vietnamese Trj Binh, meaning peace. Peace is what listeners feel when listening to BINNY. ‘Deep End’s’ soft beats and rippling notes feel as though you are floating on a deep, dark, sapphire ocean. Opening with the sound of plunging into water, aquatic themes are used heavily in the track. Even the beat acts like sea waves, softly undulating in the background. Lines such as “Diving in your deep divine” and “I’ve seen past the shallow” evoke captivating marine imagery.

‘Deep End’ echoes Jhené Aiko’s tranquility with the darkness of Lana Del Rey. Like Aiko, BINNY manages to divulge candid emotions through calm, serene tones. Reaching smooth, velvety notes throughout, BINNY showcases the strengths of his upper register. His vocals are impressive yet subtle, harmonising with a chiming melody. 

Drowning is never mentioned, yet the danger is always imminent: “You’re pulling at all my emotions / Just like the waves of the Atlantic Ocean.” Falling in love does brings vulnerability with it, as it is easy to get hurt. After depriving his love interest of an emotional connection, BINNY expresses this bittersweet irony. His strength lies is how he shows that love is addictive, despite its risk. “Loving you’s so easy like I’m floating / Loving you feels like constant coasting.” ‘Deep End’ is a track that flows calmly, yet weeps with pure honesty. 

A creative, authentic and promising start, BINNY is the sound that R&B needs right now. 

Words by Rosh Ilyas

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