Track Review: An Understanding // Cavalry


Since forming in 2014, Liverpool five-piece Cavalry have been producing a unique brand of alt-folk that definitely doesn’t fail to disappoint the ears. Garnering support from the likes of Radio 1’s Huw Stephens and Radio 2’s Janice Long, Cavalry look set for great things and, listening to their latest track ‘An Understanding’, it’s not a hard task to see why.

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With calming acoustic guitars accompanied by light electronic tones, and lead vocalist Alan Croft‘s raspy vocals accented with harmonies Mumford and Sons would be proud of, ‘An Understanding’ is a wonderful collision of opposites that swell to create a unique, easy-to-love track that you’ll want to hit repeat on again and again. Their other work doesn’t disappoint either; check out ‘Leaves’ for a more serene vibe, or ‘Lament’ for a more alt-rock feel. Whichever track catches your ear the most, you’ll agree that Cavalry are definitely ones to watch.

Words by Amie Bailey



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