Track Review: Always // PLASMAS


Hailing from Dundee, PLASMAS once again draw us into their colorful world with ‘Always’. Their latest single is breezy and hopeful which is exactly what most of us are looking for with the state of things at the moment. It opens with reverb-drenched guitars offering a catchiness. It effortlessly flows and pairs perfectly with the hopeful yet also vulnerable lyrics. With the use of synths and the heavy voice modification, we are left with something beautiful. ‘Always’ really is a credit to PLASMAS.

‘Always’ is full of emotion. The lyrical content of this song is really good and well thought out as it can be seen as hopeful, melancholy, and morbid depending on how you look at it. It has the vulnerability and the whimsical giddiness of The Cure—and any band that can be compared to The Cure must be good. However, it also feels a lot like contemporaries Pale Waves, with the track’s carefree and nostalgic sound. This is still a young band yet ‘Always’ is some high concept stuff. It’s clear to see where PLASMAS have drawn inspiration from for this track, but it’s refreshing to see how they’ve made it their own rather than churning out something that’s been done before.

Words by Louis Suffill

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