Top 5 Marvel Cinematic Universe Films


2. Guardians of the Galaxy (2014) – by Sophie Mace

If you would’ve told me a year ago that the world was about to fall in love with a talking tree, then I probably would’ve laughed manically in your face. But alas, this is the power of Marvel. If you were unfamiliar with the comics, you’d be forgiven for thinking the creators must have hit the bottle a bit too hard when they set to work on Guardians of the Galaxy. A group of intergalactic criminals and misfits (think Orange is the New Black if it were 12 rated and set in space) joining forces to defeat the evil Ronan the Accuser and protect the galaxy from near death doesn’t exactly sound like your everyday movie- chuck in Kevin Bacon’s number one fan, a fearless assassin, a big and beefy literalist, and a towering tree into the mix and you know you’re in for a wild ride.

Of course, this isn’t the first time Marvel have explored alien life forms and the threat they so often impose on civilisation. It is, however, the most fun we’re ever had watching them do it. A classic eighties soundtrack that is nothing short of impeccable combined with the occasional blast of toilet humour combine to create the MCU’s most refreshingly innovative film to date. Superheroes are often flawed individuals who struggle through isolation and come out on the other side a better person, but Guardians of the Galaxy takes this concept and runs with it. There truly is something for everyone in our guardians; whether you relate to Peter’s sense of loss and separation from his world, or Gamora’s struggle to find her own identity, there can be great comfort in knowing that if these guys can get through it, then maybe you can too. There’s plenty of genuine heart-felt emotion from the human world that grounds the film in reality, but there’s a perfect balance of sincerity and quirky wackiness to keep everyone entertained, big or small. Everyone loves an underdog – or five.



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