Top 10 Hole Songs

  1. Miss World

This was the track that Hole re-united to play at the opening of drummer, Patty Schemel’s film Hit So Hard in 2012, thus we can cite the song as somewhat emblematic of the entire Hole catalogue. Don’t be fooled by the candy coated melodies, ‘Miss World’ is deceptively dark with lyrics such as “I made my bed I’ll lie in it / I made my bed I’ll die in it” contributed by then bassist, Kristen Pfaff.

A tale of the distortion of self-image and striving for outward perfection whilst being less than pretty on the inside (cheesy wink if you got that reference). The fifth single from Live Through This was recorded whilst both Schemel and Pfaff were using crystal meth. As such, some interpret that ‘Miss World’ is not just a critique on a false society but also the state of the band, who at this point were searching for worldwide recognition whilst descending into further destruction and suffering. Love borrows the phrase ‘kill me pills’ from poet, Anne Sexton and that in itself embodies the aura of this track.



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