The Indiependent’s Guide to Thriving & Surviving During Freshers’ Week


Do some research

Don't be sad about it like this kid, though
Don’t be sad about it like this kid, though

“Would Keith Moon do his research?”, I hear you cry. “This is anarchy, why would we research?!”. Like the punctuality rule, getting to know the area before you move in sounds as fun as a date with Justin Lee Collins, but it pays off massively.

It’s unrealistic, and a waste of time, to travel to your new destination just to wander around the streets, but it’s the 21st century- you can Google anything you need to, find the coolest bars and venues before you move in so that you have somewhere to go after the crap (and still mandatory) freshers’ events have concluded. Different sites, such as have lists of places around you that you might never find on your nightly pilgrimage from your halls to the Wetherspoons. The time will come when the bar is closing, you’re at the optimum level of drunk and you want to find somewhere to go. When this time comes, you will be infinitely relieved that you know of the place that opens till 5 around the corner.

Also, knowing of places to go nearby will mean that you don’t have to listen to piss-poor recommendations from other students that know no better, like that pub that has an eery, white supremacist feel to it.


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