Song of the Week (1st June): Kings // Our Saving Day


‘Kings’ by Our Saving Day is hot off the press just today; it’s a cohesive, well produced track which could easily see the Sheffield quintet secure a position for themselves alongside household names from the pop punk genre, such as All Time Low, Don Brocco and You Me At Six. The melody – provided by Jonjo Caton on lead guitar, James Umney on drums, Sam Hutchinson on rhythm guitar and Harry Turk on bass – is a crashing, tumultuous wave of noise which is meticulously constructed so as to never over-power frontman Josh Feeley’s soaring vocal as he sings “the time is up and I’ve lost control”.

This is a song to lose your head to as you sing into your showerhead, imagining you’re atop a roof, singing your heart out to the world like Feeley does in the accompanying music video. There’s a haunting sense of mortality to the lyrics “I’m holding out for one last breath / I’m counting the days that I have left” which contributes to the pace of the track – it feels as if it’s over before it’s even begun, making us grateful for the wonders of modern technology and the ‘repeat’ button.

These aspects combine to produce a thoroughly enjoyable track, meaning we couldn’t help but make it our song of the week.

You can follow Our Saving Day on Twitter here and give them a like on Facebook here

Words by Beth Kirkbride


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