Single Review: Are We Sexy Enough // Deux Furieuses


Deux Furieuses are a duo on a mission, making a statement about the significance of politics in music and doing a thoroughly good job of it. Their third single, released earlier this month includes very Cranberries-inspired melodies and promotes important discussion around rape culture. The track proves them to be a 21st century Riot Grrrl group, who seek to spark debate with deliberately non-sugarcoated lyrics such as “They’ll rape you if you’re drunk / They’ll rape you as a gang”. The sourness of such a sentiment only emphasises that Deux Furieuses are a band with a distinctly political agenda, one that seeks to fight corruption and inequality wherever it is found in the modern world with honesty.

‘Are We Sexy Enough’ hence acts as a statement against the patriarchal values that society all too often facilitates and promotes, set to a background of grunge driven guitars and a sonic thumping of drums. Deux Furieuses is attacking the ugly in the world and doing so in style. The band are yet to announce a release date for their debut album produced by PJ Harvey drummer, Rob Ellis, but in the meantime you can find them on Twitter or Facebook.

Words by Issy Marcantonio


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