Single Review: Restless Year // Ezra Furman


Ezra Furman has been on the music scene since 2006 when he started out in four-piece rock band Ezra Furman & the Harpoons and released the critically acclaimed album Banging Down The Doors. 3 studio albums later and Furman went solo, released Day Of The Dog and then went back to a new band Ezra Furman & the Boy-Friends. It’s safe to say Ezra is a busy man when it comes to music and he only gets busier. He recently signed to independent label Bella Union, and released his new solo single ‘Restless Year’.

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Restless Year is 2 minutes and 25 seconds of pure ‘90s indie rock with a hint of ‘80s pop. It’s very reminiscent of Jack White’s current Lazaretto sound, with Furman’s classic indie rock edge. The song has all the makings of a hit and with winter ending and spring beginning, this song is a perfect way to start off the warmer weather. Give it a listen and keep an ear out for this song as it’ll be everywhere in due time.

Words by Connor


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