PlayStation 5 Most Popular Console Amongst Developers New Report Says


According to a new report the PlayStation 5 is the most popular console amongst game developers. 

The findings come from the State of The Game Industry 2021 Report published by the Game Developers Conference (GDC). The 2021 report is the ninth annual survey that GDC has published and offers a transparent look into the state of the video games industry. Over 3,000 game developers were polled in this year’s report which covered a range of topics, including attitudes to the new console generation, and the effects of the pandemic on the video game industry. 

The report concluded that ‘Perhaps what’s most intriguing is how, despite PlayStation and Xbox platforms having near-parity when it comes to past, current, and next projects, significantly more developers are showing interest in PS5.’

44% of respondents named the PlayStation 5 as the gaming platform that interested them most. PC proved to be the most popular gaming platform overall with 58% of the vote. 

Surprisingly, Microsoft’s newest consoles, the Xbox Series X and S, were pipped to second place by the Nintendo Switch, with Nintendo’s console receiving 38% votes over the Series X and S with just 30%. This comes after the Switch’s increasing success, which has only improved throughout the Covid-19 pandemic.

The report’s findings come off the back of PlayStation celebrating its most successful financial year ever, with the company hitting 7.8m sales for the PlayStation 5 as of March this year. It is worth noting that this is despite a series of supply constraints. 

GDC is an annual conference for video game developers which has moved to online events during the pandemic.  This year’s conference will takes place digitally across three separate events. The Masterclass and Showcase strands, which will consist of workshops, lectures and networking opportunities, will take place on 4/5 March and 15/16 March respectively. GDC’s main event will take place between 19 to 23 July.

Words by Jake Abatan

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