My Life In Songs: Zara Rowden


Music has had an impact on my life for as long as I can remember. It’s shaped my relationships, the way I view the world and pulled me through all of the difficult situations I’ve ever had to face. It’s not only given me a place to escape to but also simply just made the most boring of days a little bit more awesome. Here are the top five songs that I feel sum up my life best! Here is My Life In Songs.

Grow Up // Simple Plan


I’m 11 years old, I’ve pretty much just discovered the internet and I’m bored of my now meaningless Westlife CDs as I’ve started secondary school and realised, much to my dismay, that being obsessed with Westlife doesn’t automatically make you cool. I am horrified and at a loss of what to do. I load up YouTube and OHMYGOD, there is a whole other world of music out there. Simple Plan were the first band I ever loved and as the poor 11 year old, had no idea the world of music I would discover from then on.

Teardrops On My Guitar // Taylor Swift


We’ve all been there. We’ve all had our heart broken by some absolute moron that didn’t appreciate us as much as we deserved and that’s okay because guess what? We’re better off now and we can even laugh about it without it stinging us as much. I’ve cried over relationships or potential relationships in the past and although I’m a lot better at dealing with heartbreak or whatever loves lost that I’m thrown now I’ll always remember that this is the first song I cried to over a boy.

Year 3000 // Busted


This is one of my earliest memories. I remember coming home from school, I can’t have been any older than 7 and my dad broke the news to me. That Busted had broken up. I loved Busted. For a fair few people my age this is their first musical heartbreak and nothing would ever be the same again. I remember saying “I know,” struggling to care. The thought happened to cross my mind that them breaking up didn’t make a difference because their music was still available to me. I don’t think I really understood but I just appreciated still being able to listen to their music even though they had gone. ‘Year 3000’ always was my favourite.

Into Your Arms // The Maine


Anyone who knows me will know that The Maine are my favourite band and it would be absolute criminal for me not to include them. I feel obligated to because I have so many memories attached to them. I’m really fond of them because every time I’ve gone to see them they’ve put on an awesome show and hearing this song live for the first time made me sob but it was the best concert I’ve ever been to.

Champagne Supernova // Oasis


To be brutally honest, this is my summer jam. It’s a song I listen to on super hot days where all I want to do is sit in the park and burn to a crisp with my best friends. Every year it’s on my summer playlist and reminds me of so many summer outings – relentless trips to Thorpe Park, drinking a bit too much at end of the school year parties and having the time of my life at festivals. Every summer I turn to this song.

Words by Zara Rowden

Which songs would define your life? Tell us@indie_pendent_


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