Movie Monday: Road To Paloma


Starring: Jason Momoa, Lisa Bonet, Timothy V.Murphy

Synopsis: After avenging his mother by brutally murdering her rapist, Robert Wolf (mostly known as just ‘Wolf’) is on the run from the FBI lead by a stone hard agent called Williams, however after six months Wolf has made it his personal mission to travel across the west to spread his mother’s ashes.

The story is very simple, and for an indie film/passion project I completely understand why it had to be. However, a simple screenplay always brings the talent of the crew to the forefront. Surprisingly Jason Momoa’s direction is very well realised, he clearly understood the story he wanted to tell. This comes out in his choice of colours, costume and mis-en-scene, a valiant effort for a first feature film. By far the most triumphant element of the film is it’s cinematography, almost every shot is absolutely astounding, enormous landscapes and alluring weather patterns are both captured with stunning expertise. Especially considering the entire film was shot on a Cannon 5D DSLR. Definitely a must see for any budding photographers or cinematographers…As mentioned, the screenplay is okay. Not much character development occurs and the ending/third act comes right out of nowhere.

All in all Road To Paloma is really interesting from a filmmakers point of view (and probably fans of Jason Momoa) but from a general audience’s? It’s ‘okay’.

Watch if you Liked: Red Road (TV series), The Rover, Sons of Anarchy (TV Series), Into The Wild

Rating: 6.4/10

Words by Levi Aluede


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