Movie Monday: Her


Starring: Joaquin Phoenix, Scarlett Johansson and Amy Adams.

Synopsis: Set in a futuristic Los Angeles, Theodore Twombly (Joaquin Phoenix) a lonely card writer, is reluctant to face the final stages of his divorce, and as a result, finds refuge by playing video games in order to suppress the reality that he is unable to face.

His tech-savvy lifestyle then encourages him to purchase a new software system, OS1. The world’s first artificially intelligent operating system that is designed to evolve and adapt, as advertised, “It is not just an operating system, it’s a consciousness.” Theodore chooses his OS to have a female voice, and shortly we discover that she calls herself ‘Samantha’ (voiced by Scarlett Johansson). Although she is an operating system, her “consciousness” strikes Theodore, enabling him to reach out and discover the passion and drive he once had for life. Their close connection inevitably leads to Theodore falling in love with his OS, and later a relationship, giving him newfound joy and happiness, but also great doubt and uncertainty.

Aside from the beautiful cinematography, ‘Her’ reflects the mundane, yet genuine issues of human nature, the affairs of mind and matter, heartbreak and love, freedom and acceptance.

Watch if you liked: The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, Ex Machina

Rating: 8/10

Words by Penny Nakan


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