Attack On Titan: Wings of Freedom
Based on the popular manga series, Attack on Titan: Wings of Freedom takes players to a new world where humanity is fighting for survival. Taking inspiration from the anime adaptation , the game puts players inside the walls of the last human settlement as giant creatures – known as Titans – have all but wiped out the population. Now only three walled areas – Maria, Rose and Sina – safeguard those who are left against the creatures.
Taking on the role of one of three characters from the series, the game follows the story of the first season of the anime. Along the way players will train and learn all they can about Titans before joining the Scout Regiment on the front lines of battle. With additional missions for the characters, Wings of Freedom will serve as both an introduction to the series for new fans but also as an expansion of the characters and story.
Attack On Titan: Wings of Freedom will be available on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, PS Vita and PC from August 26*