Live Review: Los Bitchos // Gorilla, 16.02.22


“We love you Lindsay we hope you’re here,” laughs guitarist Serra Petale before launching into ‘Lindsay goes to Mykonos,’ dedicated to Lindsay Lohan and her short-lived beach club on the Greek island. 

Bringing a joyful live show and a global musical education via their influences, Los Bitchos (a London based four-piece hailing from Australia, Uruguay, Sweden and the UK) are truly one of the most exciting live bands to watch at the moment. 

Fresh off the back of releasing their debut album Let The Festivities Begin, Los Bitchos are heading up and down the country bringing their brand of exciting dance rock to crowds. With no lyrics to their songs, other than the minimal “oohs,” “yeahs” and “ahhs”, Los Bitchos still managed to create an exciting party atmosphere, transforming a Wednesday night into a fusion disco of surf rock, Turkish psychedelia and cumbia beats. 

Despite Manchester feeling the brunt of the storms currently raging their way over the UK, Gorilla was packed full of people more than ready to be whisked away from the wind and rain outside and enjoy the festivities. 

Opening for the band is Noon Garden (stage name of London based musician Charles Prest) with a collection of funky and trippy psych-rock songs before returning later to join Los Bitchos on rhythm guitar for his second show of the evening. 

Blazing through a high-tempo set consisting of songs predominantly from their debut, the band are in high spirits, engaging with the crowd and passing around a bottle of tequila to each other. The live show is perfect for Los Bitchos and their music, with the band able to enjoy themselves and have fun, while allowing their songs to flourish in the live setting they’re seemingly made for. 

All throughout the crowd was alive and bubbling, meeting the upbeat tempo of the set with equal liveliness. With Americana tinged ‘Good to Go!’, Anatolia inspired ‘FFS’, ‘Tripping at a Party’ and surf-pop songs ‘Tropico’ (dedicated to key player Agustina Ruiz by Petale) and ‘Try the Circle!’ slotting in comfortably next to older tracks ‘The Link Is About to Die’ and ‘Pista (Fresh Start)’. 

By the time the show reached the penultimate song ‘Las Panteras’, the crowd was in full party mode, ready for the band’s final song, a rendition of The Mariachis ‘Tequila’ sung by Ruiz, befitting to the group’s carefree vibe.

Beyond the vibrant live show are a group of talented musicians creating a blend of musical styles and proving you don’t need lyrics to complete your songs.

Words by Brenna Cooper

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