My Life In Books: Selene Mortimore


The Thirteenth Tale // Diane Setterfield

The Thirteenth Tale is one of my favourite books. You know those books you can’t put down long enough to even brush your teeth? This book is one of them. This book relies a lot on twists, that if revealed could ruin the book to anyone interested. The very rough basis of this book is about a young amateur biographer, Margaret Lea, who is contacted by a famous but elusive and enigmatic writer, Vida Winter, to write her biography. Winter had written 12 books, and as you may guess, her biography, arguably the most interesting and twisting story, is indeed the 13th book. Because this book relies so much on the various twists, it’s hard to really get across how interesting and engrossing it is to read, but if I were to recommend any fiction book it would have to be this one.





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