Who Inspires You? – Part 2


Lauryn Green: John Green


John Green; a name recognisable the world over for being that of one of the most famous authors of the last ten years. With a highly successful film adaptation of his book The Fault in Our Stars under his belt, it seems unusual I found my role-model via his YouTube channel Vlogbrothers, rather than through his immensely popular books. However, I did. Green’s catchphrases: ‘Don’t forget to be awesome’ and ‘Decrease world suck’ are enough to remind me constantly that it is up to every single one of us to make the world a better place.

Between him and his brother, Hank, they have founded the world’s biggest YouTube convention, Vidcon, the charity fundraiser Project for Awesome, and online series like Crash Course and SciShow which inspire a love of learning in young people. I am certain that without John and his brother Hank, I would not be who I am now. I definitely wouldn’t have the enquiring mind and love of learning. I wouldn’t have the same capacity for empathy and “imagining people complexly”. Time magazine once said of Green, “He treats every human he meets as their own planet”. And all I can say is that if I am my own planet, I’m glad my orbit crossed with that of such an inspirational role model.



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