How ‘The Falcon and the Winter Soldier’ Set Up The New MCU


The Power Broker  

Source: Disney+/Marvel Studios

In the finale, we finally learnt who the true puppeteer behind the Power Broker name was: Sharon Carter.

The Power Broker’s main goal is to recruit supervillains and sell superhuman strength. Now pardoned in the MCU, Sharon has all the resources she needs. Interestingly, in the comics, the Power Broker worked with the U.S Agent. If you recall, when Valentina introduced herself to Walker (now the U.S Agent, but more on that later), she stated that taking the super-soldier serum “has made you very, very valuable to certain people”. Was the person in question Sharon? No one knows what happened while she was on the run, so it’s believable she’s given in to her dark side.

Fans are convinced, however, that the real Sharon would never abandon her ideals, and that she could be a Skrull. Infamous from the Secret Invasion arc in the comics, the Skrulls invaded Earth disguised as superheroes. With a Disney+ project already in the works depicting this plot (with Olivia Colman and Emilia Clarke rumoured to star with Samuel L. Jackson), it’s all too much of a coincidence; especially considering that Spider-Man: Far from Home and WandaVision have also included post-credits scenes involving the Skrulls.

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