Gaming News: Street Fighter V Announced


The popular franchise will celebrate 20 years with the 2016 release.

Capcom confirmed that the game would be released in February 2016 with a mix of old and new characters.

New fighters to the series will include Rashid – a man whose friend had been taken by M. Bison and Shadaloo, Necalli – who is looking for the soul of a strong opponent, and Laura Matsuda – the elder sister of Sean Matsuda from Street Fighter III.

The series’ Executive Producer Oro Yoshinoro also explained how the roster would expand after launch – six new characters would be added over the first year, with players able to use ingame currency ‘Fight Money’ to unlock each character as they became available.

The trailer for the game unveiled at the shows confirmed the presence of Dhalsim in the upcoming release and how the character has been redesigned for the upcoming game, which will also feature cross platform play between PlayStation and Windows.

Street Fighter V is scheduled to be released on PlayStation 4 and PC on February 16 2016. Watch the trailer below.

Street Fighter V - Dhalsim Trailer | PS4

Words by Megan Roxburgh


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