Gaming News – Bioware to Release Mass Effect Patch


Changes to Mass Effect: Andromeda will start rolling out this week.

Bioware has released a statement announcing an upcoming patch to Mass Effect: Andromeda. In a message on the Mass Effect website, BioWare GM Aaryn Flynn laid out the company’s plan for the future of the game, which includes a patch which will be released on Thursday, April 6.

Among the changes in the first patch will be an increase in Inventory limits, greater access to items at merchants, improvements in character appearance and also improvements to multiplayer matchmaking.

The statement also details additional patches – which will follow in the net two months – with more changes and updates. These will cover issues such as giving players more variety with character creation, improving cinematic and character visuals as well as improving male romance options for Scott Ryder.

In addition to the patch details, Flynn also thanked the Mass Effect community for their feedback and support of the game since launch.

Mass Effect: Andromeda is available now on Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC. The full patch notes are available here.

Words by Megan Roxburgh


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