The Indiependent’s Favourite Albums of 2015


Ivy Tripp // Waxahatchee

It’s hard to summarise just how good Waxahatchee’s Ivy Tripp is in a small number of words. An album full of diverse sound, all following down the same path of beautiful noise. Waxahatchee – or Katie Crutchfield – described the album’s title perfectly as “a term I made up for directionless-ness, specifically of the 20-something, 30-something, 40-something of today, lacking regard for the complaisant life path of our parents and grandparents.”

The album steams along it’s 13 tracks effortlessly, filtering guitars and synths, yet despite the wall of sound, there is still a naked feeling to the music. This is a good thing. Katie prefers to let her soothing voice to the talking, inflicting memories of Bjork’s youthful and free voice of the past.

Album opener ‘Breathless’ remains one of the greatest songs of 2015, a song which has a real throwback to 90’s ethereal pop music.

Words by Jordan Gillen



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