EP Review: Buskin 4 Diamonds // Jason Allan


The last decade has seen a whole host of talented singer-songwriters burst onto the music charts worldwide; Ben Howard and Ed Sheeran are just two of these established and popular musicians. Jason Allan is from the same mould and could easily join the ranks of these phenomenally successful artists with his debut EP: Buskin 4 Diamonds.

With opener ‘Diamonds’, Jason Allan gives the listener a soothing commentary about what’s important in life and indeed, relationships. It’s a song about not being able to meet someone else’s needs: “I thought I was my girl’s bestfriend / but a queen needs her diamonds in the end”. It’s lamenting in tone with an atmospheric but relatively unobtrusive melody, yet Allan’s voice is the real gem here. As he sings the listener finds themselves moved by the raw honesty, the realism he is able to convey.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m0PKxZFIee4?rel=0]

Stylistically, Allan’s deliverance of the opening lines of ‘I See Fire’ sans backing accompaniment means that a comparison to Ed Sheeran is inevitable. There’s an incredible sense of oneness between Allan and his listener as he sings “if we should die tonight, then we should all die together”. There’s no point in questioning Allan’s vocal ability, his delivery is assured and wholly pleasant. As the chorus builds with a complimentary backing vocal, the track takes on another dimension. Lyrically the concept of destruction isn’t too far afield from Bastille’s ‘Pompei’. But this isn’t an over produced pop track by Bastille, and that is its greatest attribute.

Following ‘Diamonds’ is ‘Scars’, an incredible emotionally charged track inspired by a family member’s struggle with self-harm. Allan’s vocal is evocative of Matt Healy of The 1975 due to the drawling quality of “you don’t know what her scar means”. However, his lyrical theme is elevated far beyond Healy’s affixation on girls, sex and marijuana. Whilst ‘Scars’ is certainly a morose conclusion to the EP, it is simultaneously an incontestable demonstration of Allan’s song-writing ability and vocal talent.

The EP is available for purchase on iTunes

Words by Beth Kirkbride 


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