Book By My Bedside: American Psycho // Bret Easton Ellis


Title: American Psycho

Author: Bret Easton Ellis

What I Think So Far: It took me several attempts to read this book over the year. Initially, I was taken aback by the recurring and intimidating graphic nature to the novel. However, I eventually powered on to finish the book and thus followed the story of Patrick Bateman. Appearing to be an average New York business man, in reality he is a sadistic murderer. The story line is strong and is one I thoroughly enjoyed as we follow the deterioration of Bateman’s mentality and his, rather gory, crimes. The narrative is ambiguous yet unpredictable. It will definitely leave readers hanging off for more, and Ellis is excellent at doing this throughout.

Would I recommend? Not for the faint of heart. Although, fans of works such as Fight Club, which explore the protagonists mental state, would definitely enjoy it.

Rating: 8/10

Words by Zoe


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