American Politics: Funniest Gaffes of Presidential Races Gone By


Marco Rubio – Football In Face, 2015


As mentioned above, here is a corker from the hands (quite literally) of Cuban born Republican, Marco Rubio. Attending the Iowa state fair over the weekend, as every president-to-be forces there face down everyone’s throat, Rubio was kicking back with his kids and some local neighbourhood children picked out by his campaign staff (probably) when hilarity ensued in a video, no longer than a Vine. Rubio ‘goes long’, as they say, and manages to crack the unassuming child square in the face.

Although a small blunder many, many, many days away from Republican primaries in January, what is to come of Rubio’s error is yet to be seen, however it does provide for seven seconds of awkward amusement. With opinion polls the way they are currently, it looks like Rubio might have to GO LONG to win the Republican nomination (amiright…ha).



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