Album Attack: Prayers on Fire VS Are You Satisfied?


5. ‘Ho Ho‘ vs ‘Do Something

‘Ho Ho’, like ‘Capers’ is one of the tracks written by Rowland Howard and it’s very easy to see. ‘Ho Ho’ sounds very similar to ‘Capers’, and plods at the same pace. ‘Do Something’ is a call to arms, a harangue to the listener to get up and move, because “no-one’s gonna help// you gotta do it for yourself”. Slaves take this point

Birthday Party 2-3 Slaves

6. ‘Figure of Fun‘ vs ‘Are You Satisfied?

This is the equivalent of kicking someone when they’re down. While Slaves have a wee acoustic break, worn out with their own energy, Cave and co. plough on, the drums of Phill Calvert driving the song on, while Pew and Howard try to keep up as Cave screams “I am a figure of fun” until the song crashes to a halt

Birthday Party 3-3 Slaves



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