5 Steps To Create a “Totally Authentic” Festival at Home


I’m sat here on my bed, lazily scrolling through my friends’ snapchat stories. A tent here or there. A cheeky snap of someone smuggling vodka in various hidden methods. Groups of lads huddled in around something which probably means bad news. This all can only mean one thing – Reading/Leeds fest is back, and this year I’m one of the many people still sat at home. I have mixed feeling about not being there; frankly the weather has been a bit unreliable lately, and I can think of many things I’d rather do than sleep in a wet and muddy tent. But it’s a great weekend of music and socialising with friends, so I’m going to fill my time this Bank Holiday weekend with things so exciting they rival all my friends actually at Reading/Leeds. Well, maybe not, but I’ll do my best… so without further ado, here’s my five tips on how to make a homemade festival.  

1) The Outfit 

So we might as well start at the basics of festival clothing. It seems to be pretty simple for you boys – jeans & a t-shirt, unless you’re a ‘lad’ in which case don your best morph suit or 118 costume, which you probably won’t change for the whole weekend. It gets a little more complicated for girls, however the go-to fashion is simple. Crop top & jumper, shorts and wellies. Practical, easy to change and looks cute. If you prance around your garden dressed in your favourite wellies you’re practically there already. 



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