5 New Tracks You HAVE To Hear This Week #5


Kiss The Wealth Goodbye // exmagician

Irish duo exmagician is Danny Todd and James Smith fka as Cashier No.9.

Despite the name change, their debut single, ‘Kiss The Wealth Goodbye’, is familiar territory that retains the essence of their psych-pop spell of old. It’s clear straight from the outset that behind the buzzing psych guitars there’s a burning desire to press on with increasing intensity. This is a duo that’s remained in touch with what made them what they’re today, yet have no longing to relive past glories.

There’s enough change in this first taster to get you on-board for a whole new venture that promises so much, only time will tell if that promise is justified.

‘Kiss The Wealth Goodbye’ is the lead single from exmagician’s debut EP out 20/11 on Bella Union.

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Words Jake Marley


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