5 New Tracks You HAVE To Hear This Week #5


He Didn’t Mention His Mother // Eleanor Friedberger

Stylish American singer-songwriter Eleanor Friedberger has announced her third solo studio-album, New View and she’s not leaving us hanging – she’s shared its first single immediately. The track titled ‘He Didn’t Mention His Mother’ heads the follow-up to 2013’s Personal Record and was recorded live to tape with Friedberger’s backing band, Icewater and will be released in the new year through her new label home, Frenchkiss Records.

The track harks back to the likes of George Harrison and Neil Young – Friedberger’s idols of the mid 70s – whilst adding a fresh, modern spin. This LP sees a return to her undeniable knack of making light of adult situations in a bright and breezy manner. Soft-lick guitars coat the new-found edginess to her story-time esque vocal honey. Simply lush.

Eleanor Freidberger’s new LP New View is out 22/1 via Frenchkiss Records  

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