5 Acts to look out for at Bilbao BBK Live 2016



Slaves new

With their debut album Are You Satisfied? gaining acclaim enough to snag them a Mercury Prize Nomination in 2015, and performances at Glastonbury and Reading and Leeds tucked firmly under their belts, this Punk duo from Kent are undoubtedly on the rise. Laurie Vincent and Isaac Holman, whose crushing drum beats and catchy, moody garage riffs make up one of the most aggressive sounds to emerge from the British rock scene for some time, are two of the front-runners of a punk revival movement that seems to have picked up steam in the last few years. Having toured extensively since their debut album first grabbed our eardrums by their blazer collars and demanded they hand over their lunch money, Slaves are sure to throw one hell of a party – one that will be juxtaposed nicely with other acts on Kobetamendi Hill like Tame Impala or headliners Arcade Fire. But this only adds another string to the festival’s bow. With a range of sounds already being represented by the headliners and support acts on the main stages, as well as with the specialised electronic annex of Basoa, Slaves will inevitably bring an entirely different sort of noise to proceedings, and should provide the edge in what is already going to be an exciting few days in Bilbao.


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