10 Must-Have Tracks for Your Summer Roadtrip


8. Not My Girl // Tokyo Police Club 


Tokyo Police Club are a must-have on a summer road-trip, especially their new track “Not My Girl”. I mean, come on. Just listen to it. It has summer all over it. THE TRACK ARTWORK IS A WATERMELON. SUMMER. The moment this song blares through the speakers in my car I am immediately transported to a summer day where I’m going to the beach with some friends, our hands dangling out the window, and laughing over some terrible jokes. The vocals, instrumentals, and lyrics all combine to create a very “summer love” vibe. The fast-paced tempo keeps the listener up beat and bobbing their head, and the ending does not just fade out, but rather it comes to an abrupt stop. Almost seems symbolic of how fast summer seems to go by, but only to harshly stop. Regardless of what you do this summer, make sure that Tokyo Police Club makes their way onto your theme playlist.


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