10 Artists To Watch In 2016



For fans of: Owl Eyes, Sóley, Emma Louise

19 year old Norwegian musician, AURORA caught the attention of international music critics and fans alike when she released her debut EP “Running with the Wolves“ in 2015. Her unique sound has also been acknowledged by popular musicians, Katy Perry tweeted: “Finally. New music that makes my heart flutter.“ Despite being a reputable name in Norway since 2012, AURORA is now gaining recognition in the UK. She has recorded a haunting cover of Oasis’ track, “Half the World Away“ which features in this year’s John Lewis Christmas ad. In past years the commercial featured songs from established British musicians such as Lily Allen and Tom Odell. It seems odd that a newcomer would be chosen for this and yet, it’s clear that her unique sound speaker for itself.

Her latest track, “Murder Song“ is a dark and mystical, beginning with a winding piano intro. In comparison with “Running with the Wolves“ it’s a much quieter piece and yet it maintains the same power. The melancholic mood is reinforced by her vocals, which range from fragile, ghostly whispers to chilling high notes. AURORA is set to release her full-length album, “All My Demons Greeting Me As a Friend“ this March and we can expect another somber and beautiful work, with inventive lyrics, true to AURORA’s style.

Listen to ‘Running With The Wolves’:

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/199657284″ params=”auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”200″ iframe=”true” /]




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