TV Review: Paris S3E7 // Vikings


We and the Vikings reach a defining chapter in season 3 as well as the TV series as a whole.’Paris’ literally begins on the doorstep of the famous city. The episode follows the preparation of Ragnar and his Viking band, while also introducing us to a small group of new french characters; Count Odo, Princess Gisla and King Charles.

Like I said, this episode followed the preparation of the attack. Not the attack itself. Ragnar gave Floki command over the invasion, of course Floki believes the gods are rewarding him for killing Athelstan. I’m not really sure why Ragnar would do such a thing but Ragnar takes a mysterious backseat in this episode. He doesn’t do much apart from silently analyse in the background, showing just how much of a hole Atheltstan has left in his life. It seems that Ragnar suspects Floki, and he is right to isn’t he? Out of anyone, of course Floki would be the one. But Ragnar is holding his rage in for now, he is concentrating on the Paris invasion…however Floki has confessed to Helga, she was horrified. So who will she tell?

Huge developments are going on in England too, the England story line at the moment is becoming just as interesting as what the Vikings are trying to do. Ecbert is not only trying to sway Judith his way. He is planning to overthrow King Aella of Northumbria and The princess in Mercia. There is truly no end to the plotting for this guy. Athelwulf has become his daddy’s b**ch, he’s been sent to die in Mercia by his father but he is okay with it. Ecbert is willing to do anything to become ‘King of Kings’, even if it means his son dying.

Another crazy turn was Princess Kwenthrith having a son, ‘Magnus, Son of Ragnar’. It was never made obvious that Ragnar and the princess had sex, but it’s not hard to believe. Kwentrith has had sex with Ecbert after all?

Not a bad episode, not a great one. It was there to fulfill purpose and it did it well by developing charcater ambitions and enticing us as to what might happen in the future. The time jump came out of nowhere however, which was quite distracting. The reaction to Athelstan’s death has faded, another disappointment.

Words by Eddie Michael



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