TV News: Hannibal Season 3 Trailer


With a summer release date on the cards and an ever-growing list of new cast members being slowly fed to the fans, it feels as though the creator’s of NBC’s Hannibal have awoken from their slumbers in the past couple of weeks. But it doesn’t stop there. In the last hour, EW released a 90 second sneak peek of the hotly anticipated third season, and fans across the globe couldn’t be more tantalised by what’s to come.

The trailer can be found here.

It’s clear that the terrors of the season two finale will be addressed head on. We see Will clinging to his life with every fibre of his being, and a short glimpse of a body bag makes it devastatingly obvious that Hannibal’s actions have left an indelible mark on the lives of those who loved him. Fans are also treated to our first look at Lady Murasaki, Hannibal’s aunt who takes him in and gives him a home in the novels. However, Lady M appears much younger in the trailer and fans are buzzing as to how the storyline has been cleverly crafted to fit the manipulation of the cannibal’s chronology.

As fans will already know, Will’s pursuit of Hannibal leads him to Italy, the key setting within the novel of the same name. It is here that we see the infamous enigma himself: after swapping his dearly beloved suits for a rugged biker look, he appears less seductively suave and more rugged chic- not that that’s a bad thing.

After the infamous after-credits scene following the last season finale, fans have been left hungry for an insight into Hannibal and Bedelia’s relationship. Our newly leading lady can be seen acting rather sheepishly in the sneak peek, but a suspicious looking ring on Hannibal’s wedding finger may hint otherwise.

Unfortunately there is no sign of Richard Armitage’s Francis Dolarhyde, or our new Mason Verger, Joe Anderson. Bryan Fuller and co. are obviously keeping some cards close to their chest, but we can’t wait to see what they have in store for us when it comes to the big reveal in the summer.

Words by Sophie Mace.


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