Track Review: Tongue // Golding


‘Tongue’ is the latest sonic wonderland to be birthed into universe by Brighton based quartet, Golding. The first single to be heard from their upcoming Platinum Black EP demonstrates Golding’s absolute strength in creating wild shoegazy melodies, punctured by the surge of shrill guitars. Lead singer, Kipp Boucher, is able to parade his evident lyrical finesse with melancholy epiphanies such as “Cause secretly I’m suffering /My schadenfreude is aimed towards myself” throughout. Featuring more contortion than your average ‘Tongue’ twister, the single only serves to highlight Golding’s flair for the dramatic.

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The band appear to have gone from strength to strength, following their supporting slot on The Orwells UK tour last year. Since then, they have gone on to release another single, ‘New Sort of Dark’ and have begun to work on their aforementioned EP. If ‘Tongue’ is to prove representative of the EP, then it seems we can expect a medley of bravado, self-deprecation and madness, that will demand attention and indeed deserve it.

You can find out more about the titillating Golding on their Twitter and Facebook.

Words by Issy Marcantonio


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