Track Review: Techno // The Clameens


Pop-rock at its most catchy and infectious, The Clameens’ new single ‘Techno’ is half a guaranteed festival anthem and half social commentary about techno music only being good when you’re completely drunk and pissed. Fresh from support slots for Pete Doherty and The Strypes as well as a set at Liverpool Sound City earlier this year, Derry-based four-piece The Clameens have fused an intoxicating blend of pulsating guitar-rock with dance floor goodness. A mixture of Bloc Party, a bit of Costello Music-era Fratellis, along with the catchy hedonism of Circa Waves thrown into the formula, The Clameens are sure to be an emerging wave in the throngs of indie-pop.

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Having signed to The Libertines’ own Gary Powell’s independent record label 25 Hour Convenience Store, the Northern Irish quartet are set to release their debut EP in September. The youthfulness of the band shines brightly through the infectious lyrics and addictive chorus, guitar melodies and bass lines that belong to the sweatiest of mosh pits and the most dedicated of sing-alongs. It also contains the most truthful of lyrics, really, because honestly, who truly enjoys techno when completely sober?

The Techno EP will available from September 11.

Words by Cady Siregar


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