Track Review: Space Age Utopia // Vinyl Williams


Whether you’re sunbathing on the beach, keeping up with the gardening or even exercising this summer, Vinyl Williams‘ spacey vibes in ‘Space Age Utopia’ are guaranteed to transport you into a whirlpool of your own imagination and relax you to the very max. The track instantly captivates the listener with the staccato rattling, which is soon layered by the psychedelic dream-like sound waves that, if listening intently, transports you to an underwater world where you are accompanied by a mermaid humming into your ear.

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A sound which closely resembles bubbles being blown underwater soon interrupts and the listener is transported back to reality. Throughout the rest of the track, similar enchanting sounds are apparent which are assured to take each listener on a journey through their very own fantasy. The soft vocals create an eerie and haunting tone ensuring the listeners focus throughout. Once you’ve listened to this track once you won’t be able to stop and every time you listen you’ll be taken on a different journey than before. It’s safe to say that this is a very exhilarating and impressive track by Vinyl Williams.

Words by Maisie Green


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