Track Review: Sounds Different, Feels the Same // Smashing Lights


London four-piece, Smashing Lights, are an electronic band with a very unique sound. Their mix of synthetic sounds and fast-tempo vocals is wonderfully original and nice merge of different genres.

Their track, ‘Sounds Different, Feels the Same’ starts off with a simple drum beat before introducing a keyboard riff and guitar. A lone vocal line is then followed by all the other instruments coming back in, and these kinds of dynamic changes appear quite frequently in the song keeping it interesting. As the drum beat is rather simplistic, these changes contrast that. A slow instrumental break in the middle really ties it all together.

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Another strong point of this track is the different effects put on the vocals – and changes in the tempo at different points in the song. With quite an indie sound, it’s engaging to hear fast vocals too.

You can keep up to date with Smashing Lights on Facebook and listen to their music on Soundcloud.

Words by Tamara


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