Track Review: Runnin Away // RDGLDGRN


Two years since the release of their self-titled debut album, unique trio RDGLDGRN (Red Gold Green) have returned with edgy, up-tempo track ‘Runnin Away’.

The group who hail from Reston, Virginia – consisting of Red (Marcus Parham, guitar), Gold (Andrei Busuioceanu, bass) and Green (Pierre Desrosiers, vocals) – formed back in 2011 and independently have been making a name for themselves slowly but surely, even coming to the attention of iconic musicians Pharrell Williams and Dave Grohl.


Referencing the struggle of being a young black male in the United States, sharp lyrics such as “Quit my day job, poverty just ain’t me / cops shooting at our ass on any known street” rapped by Desrosiers give ‘Runnin Away’ real meaning which is backed with impressive riffs and a catchy hook. The track follows the band’s usual indie go-go/hip-hop style, yet features heavy drums giving it a fly garage rock feel.

‘Runnin Away’ is just the start of many new RDGLDGRN tracks expected to surface this year, and if the follow-ups are just as first-rate as their latest offering, it is only a matter of time before the band are saying hello to a new army of fans.

If you’d like to support the band and buy this killer track, click here.

Words by Megan Wilson


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