Track Review: PUNCHIN’ // Will Joseph Cook 


Following the announcement of his upcoming EP NOVELLA releasing on October 13th, Will Joseph Cook is back with his third single ‘PUNCHIN’’. This track sticks to his tried and tested formula that was felt in both ‘FEARLESS IS THE FLAME’ and ‘MF BASSLINE’, featuring a similarly upbeat and infectious pop style with a touch of cheekiness that characterises his two prior singles.

‘PUNCHIN’’ maintains an easy pace to it, that whilst unlikely to challenge the status quo of pop, will come as another example of Cook’s ability to separate himself from a crowded field. This comes through primarily in his verses, which steer away from the established falsetto sound of his choruses. These verses bring a playful idiosyncrasy, with a pop-rap sound that delivers a welcome snappiness to the track. Compared to his previous two offerings, the verses are a true highlight, acting as a connective tissue between a particularly safe and forgettable chorus. Whilst there is nothing inherently wrong with them, they follow an overly-familiar pop melody that feels too glossy for the otherwise tight verses.

For those who are attuned to Cook’s slightly overproduced poppy sensibility will welcome ‘PUNCHIN’’ as very much more of the same. The self-referential and digestible lyrics capture the experiences of a 20-something, seen in lines like ‘Swear to God there ain’t many people that I let get under my skin’ and ‘Course all your friends get jealous’. These lyrics do not try to shine a light on any deep issues with young adult relationships, instead remaining relatable enough to match the stylish vocal performance that accompanies them. Alongside the dance-orientated instrumentation, ‘PUNCHIN’’ strives to meet the 80s-styled zeitgeist that has dominated contemporary pop music. For the most part it achieves this, supported by the effortless charm of Cook himself and his distinctly British style, remaining rooted in that down-to-earth aesthetic.

This track signals the trajectory Cook is aiming for on his upcoming EP. For his fans, ‘PUNCHIN’’ will come as another reliably fun song that knows what it is and dares not step out of this narrow outline. For those who are just finding Cook, ‘PUNCHIN’’ brings enough slick personality to be a suitable pop number, even if its chorus feels merely satisfactory compared to the otherwise strong verse work.

Words by James Evenden 

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