Track Review: On My One // Jake Bugg


After an extended period of quiet, dropping few hints about his new record, Jake Bugg’s unforeseen return occurred on the 16th of February. ‘On My One’ is dark, sparsely accompanied and a concise two minutes and fifteen seconds in length. Though he has touched on this sound before with songs such as ‘Strange Creatures’ and ‘Kitchen Table’, this is quite possibly Bugg at his most bluesy and emotionally bare.

The deep finger-picking spine of the song initiates a moody ambience as Bugg’s lonesome laments of life on the road and lost dreams coast us through the song as he questions, “where’s god? / he’s even left me on my one”. In this track Bugg exhibits once more his outstanding song-writing, and delivers broody and emotive vocals.

Jake Bugg may just be a poor boy from Nottingham but this track proves that his capabilities are limitless.

Words by Frances Murray


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