Track Review: Near and Dear // Pleasantry


Pleasantry was formed in Singapore in late 2010, and the band’s name is as sweet sounding as their harmonies. ‘Near and Dear’ has an indie-tastic sound and many aspects that come together to turn into something surprisingly unmatched. The vocals on this track are evocative of those of Kina Grannis, an American singer/songwriter who has a knack for singing live covers on YouTube.

The repetitiveness of the lyrics are akin to some of the songs that we hear on the radio today, yet the track avoids being boring. Something unique about this song is how the lyrics match the overall production. The vocals on the track seem to get both closer and farther away from the listener. This matches the lyrical theme “sometimes we stray away / but not for long.” Overall, ‘Near and Dear’ is a simple, yet effective song.

Check out the band and be sure to like them on Facebook here

Words by Kaitlynn Midgett


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