Track Review: More Than I Care To Admit // Anyone’s Ghost


In the realm of singer-songwriters, one emerging artist has been garnering attention for her introspective and emotionally resonant music. Anyone’s Ghost (aka Wanda Rosyln), who has been compared to the likes of Phoebe Bridgers and Birdy, presents a captivating narrative with her latest single, ‘More Than I Care to Admit.’ This heartfelt composition serves as an ode to a distant friend residing on a separate continent, enveloping listeners in a dreamy ambience with gentle, haunting melodies.

While awaiting the release of Anyone’s Ghost’s debut album, Necromancer, ‘More Than I Care to Admit’, provides a glimpse into her evolving artistry as a musician and storyteller. Through this poignant song, she effortlessly weaves a tale of longing and connection, transporting listeners to a world where emotions transcend physical distance.

From the piano chords, Anyone’s Ghost’s ethereal vocals draw listeners into a contemplative soundscape. The delicate instrumentation alongside the haunting vocal delivery, creates an understated yet powerful atmosphere. The production is skillfully executed, allowing every element to breathe and harmonise seamlessly, resulting in a beautifully textured composition.

As the song unfolds, Anyone’s Ghost’s poetic lyrics weave a tapestry of emotions, capturing the complexities of a long-distance friendship. Lines such as “Oceans between us, miles apart, yet still we dream the same dreams” evoke a bittersweet sense of nostalgia, resonating with anyone who has experienced the ache of separation while yearning for connection.

The chorus, with its unforgettable refrain, “We share secrets with the moon, though we’re continents apart,” encapsulates the heart of the track. It is a reminder that even when physical distance seems insurmountable, the emotional bond between friends can withstand the test of time and geography.

“More Than I Care to Admit” showcases Anyone’s Ghost’s lyrical prowess and highlights their musical talent. When other instruments join the melody they subtly contribute to the song’s laid-back and mesmerising vibe. Gentle synth patterns mimic the rhythmic moments of the ocean referred to in the lyrics. Each instrument is carefully placed, creating a harmonious composition that captivates the listener from beginning to end.

With this single, Anyone’s Ghost demonstrates their ability to evolve their sound from that witnessed on 2021’s A Good Winter in June EP, while maintaining the same signature charm. Comparisons to artists like Phoebe Bridgers are well-founded, as there is a shared knack for introspection and vulnerability in their music. 

The decision to release this single as a standalone track, separate from the forthcoming debut album Necromancer, speaks to Anyone’s Ghost’s artistic vision. It shows a willingness to explore different avenues of expression and experiment with their musical journey. It feels less brooding and gothic than previous releases.

‘More Than I Care to Admit’ is an alluring subtle musical soundscape that transcends continents and connects souls. With their gentle, haunting melodies, evocative lyrics, and introspective approach, Anyone’s Ghost invites listeners into a world of longing, nostalgia, and emotional resilience.

Words by Andrew Butcher

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