Track Review: Little White Hill // DAMN BEATS


‘Little White Hill’, the latest single to escape from the Portsmouth trio DAMN BEATS, encases the very essence of synthetic indie pop. In fact, the song is the first they ever wrote together – a sign of fantastic things to come. Comprised of two females, Harriet Terrill on bass and Hannah Wheatley on drums, with front man Lee Coneley on guitar, DAMN BEATS breaks the mold of single gender groups. This enables them to bring something fresh to the world of uplifting indie, incorporating all their voices to bring forth an amalgamation of “unadorned alternative blues pop”, as their Soundcloud suggests.

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‘Little White Hill’ is no exception. It balances upbeat melodies with longing vocals, such as the extended repletion of “it’s in your eyes”, and displays the crisp Southern English accent against playful guitar riffs. Artists such as Young Kato and Coasts spring to mind whilst listening to ‘Little White Hill’, with the band citing Hendrix as one of their greatest influences.

Words by Maddie Beadle


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